4. Fall in love with the gastronomy of Conil de la Frontera.
If there is something we would like to highlight about this Andalusian town is its incredible gastronomy. Therefore, one of the activities in Conil de la Frontera that you can not miss is to try the most outstanding dishes of this town. One of the most succulent and famous recipes is the Almadraba red tuna.
Undoubtedly, the special touch of this recipe is the way they cook it in Conil, where they have extensive experience with this type of fish. In addition, you should also try the tuna baked with oil or raw, served tartar style. You should also try other fish from Conil, which stands out for its great quality and flavor.
Some of the most famous are bocinegro in oil, urta a la Roteña, sea bream, snapper, among others. The best thing to do is to go to the city's food market, where you will find fresh fish.
We also recommend that you reserve a morning to go to the famous churrería la Chana or the Desayunería. In these two places you can enjoy incredible breakfasts and snacks, with high quality products. Proof of this is that the bread they have is handmade. Do not miss the opportunity to enjoy the best churros in town with the people you love the most.